Download documents of 30,182,300 companies and 23,085,444 directors in 14 countries
Financial statements, annual accounts, annual returns, particulars of directors, beneficial owners, officers and secretaries, deeds, certificates... All the available documents come from official sources and they can be downloaded quickly in two clicks.
We are the database used by private individuals, corporations, governments and security forces in investigations about KYC, fraud, asset recovery, Anti Money Laundering (AML), court processes, unfair competition, transfer pricing and audits. That's because we are often featured in the media
Dato Capital is a multinational leading company of business information services with more than 15,000 clients in more than 120 countries. We provide business reports to all types of clients from individuals to large corporations, governments and financial institutions.
Our company consists solely of private equity. This allows us a total independence while delivering the most accurate and complete business information.
Our renowned Director reports include not only the names and job titles of individual officers in the company chronologically, but provides a wider view of his/her business interaction with the other existing executives at the time of the appointment. For directors with positions in several countries we provide our International Executive report that combines data from different jurisdictions. We are the only worldwide supplier of director information in several of the countries of our database.
We are a company with strong focus on technology, and we have the most advanced tools to offer the most current, up to date company information. Our great processing power allows us to process thousands of company data every second and to be fastest in listing newly formed companies worldwide every minute.
All of our data are geolocated in a precise way in order to obtain company listings with the greatest detail, including available geographical references. This allows our clients to locate nearby companies as close as the same street, and explore the business networks in all the countries we cover.
The large number of information sources we combine along with the flexibility when downloading our reports and finally our emphasis on superior customer service make Dato Capital the definitive source for Company reports as well as for any other kind of trade or registry information for our clients.