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Universal Entity Code (UEC)

Universal Entity Code

The Universal Entity Code (UEC) is the internal identifier for all the companies and directors in Dato Capital database. It's a 16 digit numeric string composed of a 15 digit number and a validation control number. The code is represented in 4 groups of 4 digits with a hyphen as separator to improve readability. The validation of the control number is performed with the Damm check algorithm to detect single digit and transposition errors. The UEC is capable of store 1,000 trillion of entities (10^15) and therefore prepared to the future evolution of Dato Capital in terms of tracking individuals and companies. This system was developed following the needs of our customers in the financial and government sector regarding the identification of a company or individual globally, avoiding duplicates. Our approach is proprietary because the current open solutions for global identifiers are either underdeveloped, unable to fit our namespace or under control of external entities that could affect our independence.

The assigned UEC numbers are public at our website since May 2016. They can be freely distributed and validated in our search engine. We are in process of rolling out the system to all countries and entities.

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