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Content removal request

This form can be used to request removal of content. This content is shown using legitimate interest in accordance to the article 6.1 of the General Data Protection Regulation due to the nature of the users of this website and the type of services provided. Deletion and timescale are not guaranteed.
Only the person referenced in the content or another person with written authorization from the referenced person can request removal of content. In addition, a legitimate, well-founded and demonstrable reason should be provided besides the will to disappear from the Internet
Identification is very important because although there are some people who want to be removed due to privacy issues, there are other people who want to be listed in our website to proof their business activities to third parties.
The date and reason for request will be displayed in our website.


Dato Capital database is used by several government agencies worldwide including tax authorities, police and other security forces. These clients expect our database to contain a full copy of public records and manual deletions are usually considered suspicious by them.
In case one of these clients requests information about the reasons for deleting a record manually we have to disclose when this record was deleted, who requested it and what reason was given. We are no responsible for further investigations from government agencies or tax authorities.

Opt-out from Dato Capital

As a data broker, Dato Capital collects information from public records related to company directors and displays people profiles at the website. These data are related exclusively to the business activity of those people.

In general, we don't update, modify or delete director profiles unless they are removed at the source. Our compilation of data consists of official information, a legal reality that cannot be altered. However, as our database contains several million profiles, even if we try to do our best to deliver the most accurate information possible, sometimes there are mistakes we are unaware of, and we can amend them when requested


We have several government bodies and security forces among our clients that rely in our integrity and transparency when researching individuals for many different purposes. We may have the legal obligation to disclose the history of manual deletion of a director profile, so to consider your request we'll need the proper documentation and justification.

We have a legitimate interest in accordance to article 6.1 of the GDPR because our clients use our services to prevent money laundering, fraud and terrorist financing

EU Directive 2015/849

According to Directive 2015/849 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2015 on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering or terrorist financing, manually deleting information from our database is a factor of potentially higher risk in compliance to ANNEX III (2)(b): products or transactions that might favour anonymity

Notification to authorities

We may notify government bodies (including tax authorities) of the manually deleted records if we are required to. We may refer to the requestor and reason in such cases.

Registered office at home

We are not responsible for companies with registered offices at their directors' home address. We don't encourage such practice and it's not accepted as possible argument for opting out of our database. Company address prevails over a personal address and we can't just manually hide companies or directors because of that


In your request for opting out of Dato Capital please include the words "opt out" in the subject of your message. Please don't mention "personal data" or "privacy", since we only deal with corporate information and directorship of company (current or past) isn't personal data. We don't respond to legal threats. Documentation and proof of identity may be attached to the message in PDF, JPG, PNG or TIFF formats.

We don't remove company profiles since this information is not under GDPR regulation

Send your opt-out requests to info@datocapital.com. We don't guarantee a response or a response time.


URL https://en.datocapital.es/executives/Franco-Javier-Manzano-Fernandez.html
 I confirm I am FRANCO JAVIER MANZANO FERNANDEZ or that I have written authorization from FRANCO JAVIER MANZANO FERNANDEZ to submit this request, and I will provide required documentation for identification.
 I give consent to my personal data processing with the sole purpose of fulfilling this request.
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